Testing Safety Through Zakat

By Cecep Asmadiredja

Zakat is a maaliyah ijtima’iyyah worship  that has a very important, strategic, and very decisive position (Yusuf Qardhawi, 1993), both in terms of teachings and in terms of economic development of the ummah.

As a basic worship, zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, so its existence is considered as ma’lum min ad-dien bi adh-dharurah or known automatically and is an absolute part of one’s Islam. And zakat is one form of worship to Allah SWT.

A Muslim who performs zakat, is solely encouraged by his faith in Allah by carrying out the commandments of Allah SWT. This is the same as their faith in fulfilling the obligatory orders of prayer, fasting and Hajj.

A Muslim does not consider that the treasure he handed over as excess treasures, side treasures and so on, which he gave to the fuqaras and masakins (fakir miskin). But because it is encouraged by the obligations that Allah SWT set upon him on his property.

Therefore, zakat is like a training project for a Muslim who believes, in carrying out the commandments of Allah SWT. In Surat At-Taubah, Allah SWT explained that the distribution of zakat is the entrance of a person into Islam. “and if they repent, establish prayers and perform zakat, then (they are) your brothers and sisters….” (QS At-Taubah: 11)

Zakat, can also be used as a balance sheet, to weigh the strength of a believer’s faith and the level of his sincere love for Rabbul ‘izzati. As a tabi’atnya, the human soul is always decorated by love for treasure.

As Allah says in Surat Ali Imran verse: 14: “Made beautiful in (the view) of man love for anything desired, namely women, children, many treasures of the type of gold, silver, horses of choice, livestock animals and rice fields. That is the pleasure of living in the world, and it is by God’s side that the good place of return (heaven)

When a mukmin gives up his property solely because he expects the pleasure of Allah SWT and based on his faith in allah’s mulkiyah, then it is practically an indication of the strength of his faith.

Imam al-Ghazali in his book Ihya’ Ulumuddin, explained that through zakat, Allah SWT tests the degree of faith of a servant who loves Him, through his willingness to part with something he loves for his love for the sake of his love for Allah SWT.

When describing the level of worship of believers who laugh, Allah SWT mentions that their attitude includes setting aside their property as the right of the poor.

It is mentioned in adz-dzariyat verse: 19, “And in their possessions there is a right for the poor who ask and the poor who do not have a share (not asking)”.  Wallahua’lam



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